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동료에게 조언하기 영어 표현 ~하는 건 어때?Why don't you ~? Why don't I ~? Why don't you delegate some tasks?Why don't you take a breather?Take a breather 숨을 돌리다. Why don't I help you out with the project?Why don't I organize the doc?Why don't I help you out with the presentation?Why don't I help you out with the project so you can meet the deadline?help ~ out  ~를 도와주다. Why don't I organize the meeting notes so you can catch up .. 2024. 9. 4.
Because 대신 사용할 수 있는 표현 In light of : 조금 더 신중하게 원인을 추정할때 사용 합니다. 조금 간접적인 원인 추정이므로 좀 더 겸손한 느낌이 듭니다. In light of the recent accidents, we have to decide as soon as possible. Given that  S+V : 공식적인 행사 등에 많이 사용 됩니다.Given that I used to work for the XX company, I couldn't give that information.  Given + 명사 형태로도 쓰일 수 있습니다 .Now, given the politics of this, I'm afraid that that's all I can offer you. But given the group's hist.. 2024. 8. 21.
영어 E-mail 기본 표현 (시작, 마무리 등) Email StartersI hope your day is going great.I trust your week is off to a good start.I’m excited to connect with you again.To whom it may concern: (Use a colon after this phrase. Not a comma.)Dear Sir/Madam, Hi John,Opening greetings to more than one personDear all / Hi (everyone/ guys) / To: All faculty members/ To: New recruits/ To: All members/ To: …Opening line mentioning the last contact b.. 2024. 8. 13.
[영어 표현] 일정을 앞 당기다. 미루다 오늘은 일정을 재 조정 할때 흔하게 쓰는 표현인 일정을 앞당기거나 미루는 표현을 알아보겠습니다. move ~ up : 일정을 당기다. 사용할 때는 move "일정" up "시간부사의 형식으로 쓰면됩니다. move up에는 승진하다, (주가, 화폐가치)가 상승하다라는 뜻도 있답니다. move ~ back : 일정을 미루다. move back은 move up과는 반대로 일정을 미루다는 뜻으로 사용됩니다. 용법은 move up과 동일하게 move"일정" up "시간부사의 형식으로 사용합니다. push up / push back move 대신에 push를 사용해도 같은 뜻으로 사용됩니다. Can I move it up a tree days? = Can I change my reservation to tree d.. 2020. 9. 17.
[영어 프레젠테이션 표현] 강조, 요약, 부연설명 하기 1 1. 제가 강조하고 싶은 포인트는 ~ 입니다. The point that I'd like to emphasize is ~ The point that I'd like to emphasize is that our profits have risen after we implemented Six sigma. The point that I'd like to focut on is that all new employeers should attend all internal workshops. 2. 제가 강조하고 싶은 것은 ~입니다. What I'd like to stress is ~ What I'd like to stress is that we need to arrange sales training workshops. .. 2020. 9. 4.
[영어 프레젠테이션 표현] 대조하기 1. 이와는 대조적으로 / 이에 반하여 In contrast / Contrarily / On the countrary We had a lot of economic barriers in the 1980's. In contrast, Lee & Jang had none. Look at this remote control from MS. There are over 40 buttons with very confusing funcions. On the contrary, ours have only 6 buttons, and it is so easy to use. In contrast, foreign investors managed to turn around their earnings from stock and bon.. 2020. 9. 3.
[영어 프레젠테이션 표현] 비교하기 2 1. x와 y사이에는 많은 유사점이 있습니다. There are a lot of similarities between X and Y There are many similarities between economic uncertainty and prolitical one. There are a lot of similarities in the views on our products between the middle class and the high-income class. 2. x는 ~라는 점에서 y와 다릅니다. x is differs/varies from Y in (the fact that ~) Our new product differs from our competitor's in price. We diff.. 2020. 9. 2.
[영어 프레젠테이션 표현] 비교하기 1 1. 마찬가지로 Similarly / in the same way / Likewise / In like mammer The market hsas positively responded to their innovative design which is appealing to young people. Similary, our design needs to be improved. Likewise, individual investor and institutes made heavy purchass, at 197.2 billion won and 170.8 billion won each 2. X는 많은 점에서 Y와 다릅니다. X is different from Y in many ways Our new strategy is.. 2020. 9. 1.
[영어 프레젠테이션 표현] 다른 내용 추가하기 1. 여기서 잠시 ~를 살펴보도록 하겠습니다. let me look at ~for a second here Let me look at this graph for a second here. Let me have a look at other areas to compare the seriousness of pollution in downtown Seoul. Let me show you this data for a second here. 2. 잠시 본론에서 벗어나 ~를 검토해 보고자 합니다. I'd like to digress for a moment and look instead at ~ * digress (화제, 논의 등이 본론에서) 벗어나다. I'd like to digress for a moment and.. 2020. 8. 31.