목록영어 프레젠테이션 (9)
CNK studio
1. 제가 강조하고 싶은 포인트는 ~ 입니다. The point that I'd like to emphasize is ~ The point that I'd like to emphasize is that our profits have risen after we implemented Six sigma. The point that I'd like to focut on is that all new employeers should attend all internal workshops. 2. 제가 강조하고 싶은 것은 ~입니다. What I'd like to stress is ~ What I'd like to stress is that we need to arrange sales training workshops. ..
1. 이와는 대조적으로 / 이에 반하여 In contrast / Contrarily / On the countrary We had a lot of economic barriers in the 1980's. In contrast, Lee & Jang had none. Look at this remote control from MS. There are over 40 buttons with very confusing funcions. On the contrary, ours have only 6 buttons, and it is so easy to use. In contrast, foreign investors managed to turn around their earnings from stock and bon..
1. x와 y사이에는 많은 유사점이 있습니다. There are a lot of similarities between X and Y There are many similarities between economic uncertainty and prolitical one. There are a lot of similarities in the views on our products between the middle class and the high-income class. 2. x는 ~라는 점에서 y와 다릅니다. x is differs/varies from Y in (the fact that ~) Our new product differs from our competitor's in price. We diff..
1. 마찬가지로 Similarly / in the same way / Likewise / In like mammer The market hsas positively responded to their innovative design which is appealing to young people. Similary, our design needs to be improved. Likewise, individual investor and institutes made heavy purchass, at 197.2 billion won and 170.8 billion won each 2. X는 많은 점에서 Y와 다릅니다. X is different from Y in many ways Our new strategy is..
1. 여기서 잠시 ~를 살펴보도록 하겠습니다. let me look at ~for a second here Let me look at this graph for a second here. Let me have a look at other areas to compare the seriousness of pollution in downtown Seoul. Let me show you this data for a second here. 2. 잠시 본론에서 벗어나 ~를 검토해 보고자 합니다. I'd like to digress for a moment and look instead at ~ * digress (화제, 논의 등이 본론에서) 벗어나다. I'd like to digress for a moment and..
1. 하지만/그러나/그럼에도 불구하고 However/Despite Our comapny is offering staff flexible working hours. However, the summer flextime is likely to vary. Despite the solution we provided last time, the communication problems still remain in our department. 2. 그러므로/그렇다면/따라서 So So what can you do to prevent back strain or injury? So the next time you need some refreshment after a tough game or exercise class, re..
1. 첫째/둘째/셋째/다음으로/마지막으로 Firstly/Secondly/Thirdly/Next/Finally Firstly, let me tell you the current status of our investment plan. Secondly, I would like to move on to some methods to spice up your PowerPoint presentation. 2. 제가 소개드리고 싶은 첫 번째 포인트는 ~ 입니다. The first point I'd like to bring up is ~ The most important point I'd like to emphazise is that unequal access to capital is the major impedimen..
1. ~을 생각해 보신 적 있으십니까? Have you ever wondered/throuhgt ~? Have you ever wondered why there are fewer women in the executive level? Have you ever throught about the interests of our customers? 2. ~해 본 경험이 있으십니까? Haver you ever been in ~ Have you ever been in a situation where you had to confront your boss? Have you ever been in a situation in which you had to prioritize the company values? Have yo..
1. 여러분은 어떻게 ~ 하시겠습니까? How would you like to ~? How would you like to promote our new product? How would you like to satisfy our new customers? How would you like to solve the problem of the social gap between the poor and the rich? 2. ~하기 위해 우리가 할 수 있는/해야 할 일은 무었일까요? What can/should we do to ~ What can we do to solve this problem? What can we do to motivate our employees? What should we do to re..