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CNK studio
[영어 프레젠테이션 표현] 궁금증 유발하기 본문
1. ~을 생각해 보신 적 있으십니까?
Have you ever wondered/throuhgt ~?
Have you ever wondered why there are fewer women in the executive level?
Have you ever throught about the interests of our customers?
2. ~해 본 경험이 있으십니까?
Haver you ever been in ~
Have you ever been in a situation where you had to confront your boss?
Have you ever been in a situation in which you had to prioritize the company values?
Have you ever been in a position of power?
3. ~ 라는 사실을 알고 계셨습니까?
Did you know ~?
Did you know that 75% fo the Earth is covered with water?
Did you know that our sales outcome last year was the best ever in 10 years?
4. 왜 ~ 인지 아십니까?
Do tou know why ~?
Do you know why the education expenses are in the steady rise in Korea?
Do you know why the Internet is a mre effective adverising media than television?
5. 왜/도대체/무었을/어떻게/누가/언제 ~인지 추측하실 수 있겠습니까?
Can you guess why/where/what/how/who/when ~?
Can you guess how many affiliated companies we have?
Can you guess why our clients are never fully satisfied with our products?
Can you guess who founded KTT?