CNK studio

영어회화 표현 (경제적 어려움 표현하기) 본문

English study/영어 표현

영어회화 표현 (경제적 어려움 표현하기)

키다 2020. 7. 10. 15:40

To be broke 

- 빈털터리다 돈이 없다. 

   We're broke


To not have two nickes to rub together

- 아주 가난하다. 돈이 없다.

   We don't have two nickels to rub together?

   My paycheck comes in three days, but until the, I don't have two nickels to rub together.


A clunker 

- 고물차/고물기게

   My foirst car was a real clunker.


To get a grip on 

- (힘든 상황이 닥쳤을때) 침착하게 문제를 파악하고 해결방법을 찾기 시작하다.

  We really need to get a grip on our finaces.

  I have so many projects at work that I don't know what to do first. I need to get a grip on my work and organize my time.


Low-hanging fruit.

- 가장 풀기 쉬운 문제/달성하기 쉬운 목표

   I really wnat to lose a lot of weight, I know that I need to change my diet and exercise a lot, but it's so hard, so I'm going after the low-hanging fruit.


To go on a Starbuks run

- 스타벅스에 가서 커피 등을 사다

  I'm going on a Starbuks run.